лікар Бушуєв Ю.В.

A person may not always be able to cope with an illness on their own, but when a doctor and patient come together, they can overcome any disease. When the patient understands what is being done for them, they will do everything in their power to help themselves and the doctor in their joint fight against the illness. By understanding their condition, the patient will not force themselves to follow the recommendations given to them by the doctor, but will do so with pleasure because they now know that this path is the path to their effective recovery.

How a visit to a kinesiologist takes place

A visit to a kinesiologist, like with any other doctor, begins with taking a patient's medical and personal history.

At the initial appointment, the doctor clarifies the following information from the patient:

  • where the pain is and how it feels, what triggers the pain syndrome, at what time of day and in what position the pain intensifies, and what emotions accompany it;
  • the presence of chronic and other diseases, past injuries, and surgeries throughout their life;
  • for women, there are mandatory questions about the menstrual cycle and reproductive function.

This information makes it possible to assess the patient's current condition before the examination and to determine the possible cause of the illness. Even a small detail can turn out to be very important. So, don't be surprised when the doctor asks questions that may seem unrelated to the illness.

Review of the results of additional examinations

It is desirable to bring (if available) to the initial examination the results of laboratory tests, MRI, CT scans, X-rays, outpatient records, conclusions of specialists, if the patient has them. The results of these tests are not of primary importance, which is why they are called additional. But they will allow the doctor to obtain more accurate information about existing disorders and give an objective assessment of the patient's condition.

Visual examination

A kinesiologist physician detects changes in the physiological curves of the spine, limb positions, and evaluates the patient's body position in space, determines the displacement of the center of gravity, and so on. They evaluate the movement functions of the thoracic and abdominal diaphragm.

Comparison of the obtained information (anamnesis and additional research) with the data of the objective examination allows the physician to make a preliminary conclusion about the correctness of the diagnosis.

Manual muscle testing

The general muscle tone (normotonicity) and their readiness for work are assessed. This allows identifying a chain of dysfunctions in the body, establishing a priority problem that needs to be addressed in the first place.

If indicated, the doctor determines the significance of the metabolic syndrome (disturbance in the body's metabolism) in the chain of dysfunctions that led to the development of muscle imbalance and, as a result, posture and pain syndrome disorders. This is done through manual muscle testing.

To understand what therapeutic action needs to be taken, with what intensity and duration, based on the data from muscle testing, the kinesiologist evaluates the level of reactivity (stability) and adaptive responses of the patient's body at the moment. Such an approach to choosing the method of treatment significantly reduces the likelihood of exacerbation after manipulation and increases the effectiveness of treatment.

After obtaining all necessary information about the patient's health condition, the doctor creates a treatment plan and communicates it to the patient.

Given that the state of the organism and degree of clinical manifestations vary, the duration of the treatment course will depend on individual characteristics of each specific organism and the proper implementation of the doctor's recommendations.

Unfortunately, patients typically seek medical attention at very advanced stages of the disease, with a long list of complaints and problems. Addressing complex problems requires significant time, effort, and a serious and responsible approach to the treatment process not only from the doctor, but primarily from the patient.

The number of visits to the doctor - from 3 to 6 procedures

The frequency and periodicity of visits to the doctor depend on the clinical symptoms for which the person has sought help, as well as on the correctness and timeliness of following the doctor's recommendations. This, in fact, determines the dynamic picture of changes that characterizes the treatment effect.

At the initial stage, the number of visits to the doctor may be up to three times per week for 3 to 6 procedures, and sometimes more.

In cases of postural disorders, scoliosis, stabilization and achievement of long-term remission require much more time - from 3 months to 1 year.

Once the severity of clinical symptoms decreases and positive dynamics are observed in the patient, the number of procedures is reduced to once every 2-4 weeks.

Further, for the purpose of disease prevention, visits to a kinesiologist are recommended once every three, six, or twelve months.

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