лікар Бушуєв Ю.В.

The main resource of any person is their health. From the perspective of medical kinesiology, health is the ability of the human body to adequately respond to the actions of the external and internal environment: mechanical, chemical, energetic, informational loads, etc. A person becomes ill because their nervous system is unable to adapt in a timely manner to these loads.

Thus, illness is nothing more than a result of the disruption of the human nervous system's adaptation to the influence of aggressive factors of the external and internal environment. The methods of medical kinesiology, by activating the innate ability of the body to self-renewal, make it possible to balance the nervous system in such a way that it can respond to all influences correctly and in a timely manner.

These methods allow for the selection of an optimal program of treatment/restoration, using biological feedback with the body - in other words, we can "speak" with the nervous system.

In short, medical kinesiology is a universal method of diagnosis, the main tool of which is manual muscle testing.

How does manual muscle testing work?

In classical neurology, there exists a tendon reflex where a neurologist strikes the tendon of a muscle with a reflex hammer and elicits a contraction of the muscle in response. This test is performed when the muscle being tested is relaxed and at rest.

In medical kinesiology, the same testing mechanism is employed, but the objective is to provide tension to the muscle being tested in the form of resistance to the pressure of the examiner's hand. In this way, we compel the nervous system to respond to moderate stress.

The examiner then briefly increases the pressure (analogous to striking the tendon with a hammer) and asks the patient to resist it. If the nervous system can withstand the load, the muscle contraction is strengthened, and this is referred to as normal tone.

If the muscle does not increase its contraction, it indicates that the nervous system cannot provide an adequate response, and weakness arises. In such cases, we refer to this as hypotonia.

How does it allow diagnosis of the disease?

In medicine, there are such concepts as visceromotor, vertebromotor, meridianomotor, and emotional-motor reflexes. These connections were discovered empirically and some of them were confirmed by experiments on animals and neurophysiological and clinical observations of physiologists such as I.P.Pavlov and M.R.Mogendovich.

A detailed study of reflexes from the internal organs to the skeletal muscles was conducted by M.R.Mogendovich and M.O.Bernshtein (1941). In acute and chronic experiments on frogs and dogs, using mechanical, chemical, and thermal stimulation of the serous and mucous membranes of the stomach, intestines, and other internal organs, he observed changes in muscle tone. Since there is a direct connection between the organ and the muscle, we can suspect a problem in the organ with a change in muscle tone.

Which neurological diseases can be diagnosed and treated by medical kinesiology?

Using muscle testing, we can successfully diagnose even early manifestations of root syndromes, herniated and protruding intervertebral discs, muscular adaptive and maladaptive pain syndromes, reflex pain syndromes, pain syndromes of visceral dysfunctions, and myofascial pain syndromes.

We develop an individualized treatment plan for each patient that is tailored specifically to their body, always seeking the underlying cause of the disorder. We always ask ourselves - why did this dysfunction occur? The answer to this question is provided by our nervous system through muscle testing.

Thanks to medical kinesiology, it is possible to treat:

  • diseases of the nervous system
  • herniated intervertebral discs
  • joint and spine diseases
  • functional scoliosis
  • consequences of skull and limb injuries
  • consequences of postoperative adhesions
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